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3-D Interactive Cabinet Door Samples

TaylorCraft Cabinet Door Company unveiled their patent-pending 4S cabinet door styles using 3-D, interactive cabinet door samples. The interactive, online samples showcase the 4S's seamless back and 90 degree joints, without lip moulds, mitered joint construction, nails or fasteners. [...]

Shaker Cabinet Door Styles

There are hundreds of ways to customize a shaker cabinet door, with different frame widths, materials, panel depths and slight variations on the traditional square outside and inside edge detail, and flat panel. According to Kitchen and Bath Design News [...]

New Pat. Pending 4S Door Style

Introducing the TaylorCrafted 4S doors! Our 4S doors boast a proprietary, patent pending construction technique that ensures superior durability and stability over time. Here are the key features that set the TaylorCrafted 4S apart from other doors on the [...]

Shaker Alternative Cabinet Door Profile

Shaker style cabinet doors are timeless and for decades they've made up a large percent of cabinet door styles sold. Some homeowners and cabinetmakers want to create the streamlined look of a shaker cabinet door but are looking for a [...]

Transitional Cabinet Door Styles

Transitional cabinet doors have been trending for several years and, and are predicted to continue in popularity for some time, however there are some subtle style changes gaining momentum. We're seeing a rise in kitchens completed with a natural [...]

Attention To Cabinet Door Detail

TaylorCraft Cabinet Door Company offers attention to detail "Beyond the Face of the Door" ™ TaylorCraft Cabinet Door Company's attention to detail doesn't stop at the face of the door. It permeates every facet of our business, from our construction [...]

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