Project Description
Select Walnut from TaylorCraft will be clear of defects, and the inherent color, character marks and grain patterns will be closely inspected and matched to create a relatively uniform appearance. General characteristics of Walnut are: a durable hard wood with exceptional strength because of its tight, dense grain. The color varies from light to chocolate brown and may contain burls, butts and curls that show off well in a variety of finishes. Walnut’s natural color will “mellow” with age & exposure to light. This is a natural occurrence. When cabinetry or components are added or replaced at a later date, they will normally be darker in color and may need to be exposed to more direct sunlight to speed up the lightening process, depending on the finish.
If you or your customers are not familiar with the species or our grading, we strongly recommend ordering a cabinet door sample from TaylorCraft to prevent any misunderstanding.
For more walnut cabinet door photos and information on walnut as a cabinet material choice read our Walnut Cabinet Doors and Kitchens Blog post.