My name is Andrew Valdez, I’m the general manager at Abilene Millwork. We’ve been in business since September 2000.  What we do is commercial and residential cabinetry, mostly really high end residential.  We’ve got about 9 employees right now. We didn’t always outsource our doors.  Typically, 8 years ago, we’d
always build our own doors in house.

We decided to go with TaylorCraft just due to product offering, the lead times, their quality was just superior to all the other people we’ve ever used.

Buying from TaylorCraft is easy. The customer service is great.  Their product offering is excellent.  My customers can always find something that they like and they get it here quickly.  My experience with other door companies was iffy at best.  Sometimes the orders were incorrect, sometimes they were damaged. It was just you never knew what you were going to get. The quality was inconsistent.  It was a headache and it cost me money to deal with their mistakes.

TaylorCraft’s shipping is always excellent. Things are packaged well.  The lead times are excellent. They always come through for me which is critical. TaylorCraft consistently meets their lead times, I mean we’re looking at 5 day turnaround consistently.  I can’t even think of a time where they haven’t met the estimated ship date for Abilene Millwork.

Expedited items are something that just happens in business, sometimes maybe we do something wrong or we drill something wrong and TaylorCraft has always come through for me as far as getting me those items as quickly as possible.

The order process is really simple, I mean their worksheets are easy to fill out and sometimes I’ll even send something that’s a little more loose and they’ll make it work for us and make sure that our orders are correct.
TaylorCraft stays on top of the current styles and that helps me a lot in selling cabinets.

TaylorCraft has an excellent website.  I usually refer my customers to it to help make the door selection and just give them an idea of what we can provide and it’s been a great platform for us.

TaylorCraft has helped in staffing, you know it’s tough to find qualified employees.  It requires a lot of skill to build cabinet doors and a lot of machinery, cutters. It’s just a lot of expense so having TaylorCraft has helped me outsource and keep my people doing what they need to be doing and then I can use TaylorCraft almost like another employee.

I would definitely recommend TaylorCraft to another cabinet shop. It’s just their quality is excellent, their product offering is great, and their customer service is the best in the business that I’ve found.

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